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I went to a blogging conference a few weeks ago. I LOVE conferences. Workshops. Key note speakers. Break-out sessions. {Swoon} And the thing about conferences is that it’s almost never totally new information that you’re getting. It’s the reminders that I love. Renewing convictions and re-lighting fires.
And that’s kind of how these articles are. Probably nothing you’ve never heard. But enjoy the reminders.
Marriage and momming. It’s a lot of responsibility, isn’t it? We need to take care of ourselves, take care of the kids, invest in our friendships, and not just save the scraps for our husband.
Here’s what I’ve been reading:
To the Mom Who Doesn’t Have a Tribe… at The Hmm..Schooling Mom. Your tribe. Your people. They provide support and encouragement. They get you. And it can be lonely when you feel like you don’t have this. One of the things I think a lot of us forget is that our friends don’t have to necessarily be just like us.
“Enjoy every minute of it” and other bad advice for moms… at I Choose Brave. Parenting is hard. And it doesn’t usually look like Pinterest, does it? Not only do we need to know these things for ourselves, be we need to be sharing with other moms that they’re not alone.
10 Ways to Remain Approachable in Marriage... at Encourage Your Spouse. Before we get married, we do everything possible to be accessible for that special someone. After the wedding, we get caught up in routine and forget. I want to be the kind of person that draws my spouse in, not shuts them out.
How to apologize (and avoid non-apologies) … at Quick and Dirty Tips. I know you’ll recognize some of these non-apologies. Like the “if” apology. “I’m sorry if you’re upset.”
Parents who were pressured to abort show their beautiful, healthy daughter… at Live Action. Lovely stories of parents who chose to give life to their beautiful children.
If protecting my child’s innocence means I’m keeping him in a ‘Christian Bubble’ so be it… at The Blaze. When did it become bad for parents to protect their child’s innocence? We decided a long time ago that we would bear the burden of being looked at as ‘those’ parents in order to protect our kids. After all, they are our responsibility, not the school system, government, or ‘experts’.
Parents infuriated after controversial sex worksheet given out at Oklahoma middle school… at The Blaze. Another article from The Blaze. This one reminded me of a worksheet that I got to help one of my tutoring students with a few weeks ago. I was kind of appalled.
What were you newly reminded of this week?
*A brief disclaimer…I found these particular articles read-worthy. That doesn’t mean that I agree with or advocate everything on the site on which individual posts appear.
Jane Murguia says
Been a busy week. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend when I can check out those parenting articles. Look like a good read.
Susan says
Thanks for stopping by, Jane. I hope you find something that is a blessing to you! (And congrats on having a relaxing weekend planned) 🙂