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Online homeschool science courses that teach that science supports, rather than contradicts, Scripture help develop a Biblical worldview in students as they approach college.
I was compensated for my time in writing this post. All opinions are my own and I’m genuinely thrilled to partner with College Prep Science.
Christian parents.
We raise our sweet babies up to know the Lord, investing countless hours on family devotions, taking them to church, and modeling Christ-like living to them.
Then at 18 we send them off to college and wonder why so many leave their faith.
My husband and I will be experiencing our first foray into empty nesting this fall. (And to answer your question: Yes, I do expect there to be weeping.) As I think about my boys living away from our home, at the top of my prayer list is that they would maintain a strong Biblical worldview.
And when I say “Biblical worldview” I mean that they would see the world through a lens that says,
On all domains of doctrine and in life, the authority of scripture is to be placed higher than all human understanding, for it is God’s word and as such the highest authority.
-John Wycliffe
Why I’m talking about online science classes in a discussion on worldview
Science-y topics are pretty common around my house, especially since my husband developed a passion for speaking and teaching on the proofs of a young earth creation. Just the other night at dinner, we were talking about new theories on the T-Rex’s short upper legs…interesting stuff.
Over the years, we’ve been super-aware of how important it is to have a clear understanding of how science supports what Scripture clearly tells us.
In his teaching, my husband has received notes and verbal feedback from teens who tell him that seeing science support rather than contradict Scripture, and that they can fully believe God’s word without having to “fit” what they’re being taught at school into it–it strengthens their faith immensely.
Statistics like these only confirm what we are seeing around us:
Thanks to One Legacy for sharing these statistics.
If you’re like many Christian parents, you feel ill-equipped to teach your kids about how science supports Scripture.
We know we don’t have to be a theologian to teach our kids about living a Christ-honoring life, but we often feel that we need to be a scientist to effectively expose the lies of evolution to our children.
It is exactly this mentality that makes me so excited to find resources like College Prep Science that equip families in this area.
Listen, I feel you. Science was never my favorite subject. The only reason that I can speak somewhat intelligently on creation/evolution is because I’ve heard my husband’s presentations about a million times.
When I visited the College Prep Science site, I was immediately taken by the author’s passion, which mirrors my own.
He has a heart for students and a passion for science… but more specifically a passion for teaching students to see God’s hand in every aspect of His creation that surrounds us – to help them see that God’s creation didn’t just happen by chance – it wasn’t an accident, a fluke of nature.
They offer live, online homeschool science classes for 6th-12th graders:
- Biology – College Prep (9th-12th) – Two Semester Class
- Life Prep Biology (8th-12th) – Two Semester Class
- Chemistry – College Prep (10th-12th) – Two Semester Class
- Life Prep Chemistry (9th-12th) – Two Semester Class
- Physics – College Prep (10th-12th) – Two Semester Class
- Life Prep Physics (9th-12th) – Two Semester Class
- Human Anatomy & Physiology (9th-12th) – Two Semester Class
- Exercise and Sports Physiology (8th-12th) – One Semester Class
- Pre-Anatomy & Physiology (6th-9th) – One Semester Class
- Pre-Chemistry (6th-9th) – – One Semester Class
One Semester Online Homeschool Science Classes Starting January, 2020 (Spring Semester, January 2020 – May 2020)
- Pre-Biology (6th-9th) – One Semester Class
- Pre-Physics (6th-9th) – One Semester Class
- Forensic Science & Human Anatomy (8th-12th) – One Semester Class
One Semester Online Classes Starting May 2020 (Summer Semester, May 2020 – August 2020)
- Embryology – The Magnificence of Human Development (9th-12th) – One Semester Class
- Introduction to Biochemistry / Microbiology (9th-12th) – One Semester Class
And on top of that, the instructor travels all over the country to do two-day science lab intensives, and offers online prep for both the ACT and CLEP tests! (You know what big fans we are of earning college credit with CLEP tests!)
This is either funny, creepy, or super cool…maybe all three
Besides being totally taken by the mission and focus of College Prep Science, I kind of felt like it was destiny for me to find them.
While I was reading the website, I was nodding in agreement the whole time. When I saw a list of books used, I immediately recognized one that has been on my husband’s nightstand for months, In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation. And I’m thinking, I kind of can’t wait to share this site with him…he’s always on the look-out for great resources.
I click on the ‘About’ page to read more about the instructor and am taken a bit aback when I see this:
About Greg Landry & College Prep Science
Y’all…my husband’s name is Greg Landry.
I go on to read that the instructor is from Louisiana.
My husband is from Louisiana.
The instructor attended LSU.
My husband attended LSU — (Geaux Tigers!)
The instructor is passionate about teaching creation.
My husband is passionate about that and speaks and teaches on the subject.
I was really glad to find a picture of the instructor and see that my husband is not, in fact, leading a double life. LOL (The instructor Greg Landry was also a college professor and lives in Tennessee, so there’s that, too.)
But still…I’m feeling like this was kind of a meant-to-be connection.
Using homeschool science to teach students to think critically and defend their beliefs
My Greg Landry’s opinion of College Prep Science was a big two-thumbs-up. He perfectly summed up my opinion on why it is so important and effective to have people like this Greg Landry teaching:
He is someone who has been exposed to the “facts of evolution” as taught in mainstream science classes, and yet believes in a young earth because that is what the evidence shows.
The College Prep Science site has this response to a FAQ:
Are your intensives, classes etc. taught from a Christian / young Earth Creationist worldview?
- Yes, they are, and we also teach students to think critically, to reason, to think through issues. They should be able to defend what they believe.
That is precisely what churches and parents need to be teaching our students to do:
Think critically, think things through, and defend what they believe.
Visit College Prep Science and use code H8 for an 8% discount on any class at College Prep Science. (Promo code expires August 30, 2019)
You can also sign up to win a FREE online homeschool science course. Because it’s an online class, anyone in the world is eligible!
More Resources:
Here’s an article on 4 common errors in science textbooks. Things that were proven false decades ago and yet continue to show up in current editions.
The Institute for Creation Research has lots of resources, including a free monthly magazine called Acts & Facts on current issues in creation/evolution.
Curriculum to check out for younger students: Apologia, Dr. Jay Wile, By Design Science and the Answers in Genesis Bookstore all have curriculum that is scientifically accurate.
You can follow Dr. Wile on Facebook, too, or on his website.
Creation Ministries International has lots of materials worth checking out.
Visit my husband Greg’s website One God Six Days, especially if you’re interested in a speaker on this topic.
Phyllis says
Awesome post! Love your dedication to this and how well it is written. I guess I should pick up the book Greg wrote now and read it. My mom would be impressed…shall we tell her…? nawh…
Susan says
Thanks, Phyllis! If my Greg Landry ever writes a book, I’ll be sure to promote it!
Marisa says
What do you think about these courses for students who are in brick & mortar HS but not feeling challenged? How would they do as an ‘extra’ or is it strictly for students to enroll completely as a homeschooling course?
Susan says
You would have to check with the course site themselves, but my guess is that they’d be thrilled to have a traditional school student join them. There are many aspects of homeschooling that I would have still done with my kids if they’d have remained in public school. Great idea!